Medical Application Signs Detection Image

End-To-End Web Application which implmented Training Models and Deploymenet using Docker and Streamlite

This Project include all the Techno used Such Docker and TensorFlow

Project Intro

this repo contain the full the project DL with Web appplication using Streamlit for deployment


i provided the Docker Image to run Directly which contain all the app requimemnts , to run the Docker images following command :

    docker pull 
    docker run -i -t streamlit:latset

Model Traning

here we used Convolution Neual network to develope a model for predicting the signs of patient based on the Eyes from Images the code can found in Colab Open Colab


also you can run app using docker-compose command follwing you need to keep docker-compose.yml in root folder

    docker-compose up 

InterFace Application :

The Full code in Github: (read more about the Prohect Github