Post-Processing 3D Medical DATA

automated tool to Post-Processing the data Brain


the automated tool to Post-Processing the data Brain Tumor include n4 bias Correction and Skull Stripinng

  • PostProcessig dataset Brast2020;

    this tool built based on top of BET algorithm that publish from FSL and N4baisCorrection we automated the process and handle the data in 3D shape

    • installation Requires packages

          pip install -r requirements.txt
    • tool description ;

      we develpoed a simple tool that helps to Post Processing the dstaset

      • N4 bais Correction field this will increase the Low intensity of the image to run :</br>
        python --config 'data_Brast.yaml' --path Processed --n4baiscorrection 
      • Skull Stripping this technic helps to reduce tissues such skull and midbrain .. only we do care about in our project is brain tissues to tun it :</br>
        python --config 'data_Brast.yaml' --path Processed --skull_stripping 
    • Virtualization dataset Brast2020;

      • vitualize few samples from the data you need to run this command

        • the Options to plot the corrected with oring img type_plot:
        1. option 1 -> Anat
        2. option 2 -> epi
        3. option 3 -> img
          python --corrected_samples --type_plot option  
      • for rendering the images in 3D or 2d slices you will need to run

          python --v2Drender
      • this commaned may takes will depends on the GPU perfomence you have

        ```python python –v3Drender