SMS Sender Tool
tool created to show how to Send SMS using Different APIs Providers
SMS python Sender

how to use TOOL
this tool created to show how to Send SMS using Different APIs Providers under Lecience MIT the rules of are :
- Educational Purpose
- not responsible for Illigal use case
Share how to building Automated Tool
- install</br> the tool in Local machine , this version only support Linux Distro RUN Following command:
chmod a+x && ./ --install
- run</br> to run the tool make sure you already installed all the Packages :
./ --run
- help</br> check other availebel option RUN :
./ --help
information about Haydra-SMS :
APIs Credentials : The tool created to Send SMS and Verification numbers , to be able to use the tool you have to have at least one of this account to access the APIs Credentials Visit the Offcial websites :
after get the API Credentials you have to Put the Secrets in Configuration File called APIs_Accounts_Credentials.cfg
Note : Avoid using “” this when you put Credentials and make sure read Documentation AAPI
api_key= your-generated-key
sender = Dofus
api_key = your-generated-key
secret_key = your-secret-key
sender = Your-Sener-Name
account_sid= your-generated-key
token_key = "your-token-key"
Twillo_number = "your Twillo number"
api_key = "your-generated-key"
- How to USE Tool: when you run the tool will show options , SMS-python-Sender provide many Providers APIs Senders , choice one you have Credential API
- (1) : is allowing to choice one APIs to send
- FILE LIST NUMBERS : you need to setup list_number.txt and set all the phone numbers you want to send SMS and MAKE SURE TO WRITE NUMBER WITH COUNTRY CODE
- (2) : Phone validation to ensure the SMS will deliver into existence phone . after chose this check Output Folder to use filtering phone True
this tool is take considration of EORRO HANDLING which means it handle the respond Status if SENT or ERROR
- Screenshot ERROR HANDLING:

- ScreenShot