Rest Framework Django web Aplication
Process learing Backend Techno by using test driven developmenet with and implement, the whole life-cycel web developmenet
End-to-End test driven developmenet with Rest Framework Django
in this following project i will track my process learing Backend Techno by using and implement, the whole life-cycel web developmenet
- the workflow: the project will focus only on backend REST_API builing and testing which means that we can send and recieve Data as JSON format from FrontEnd
Techno Used:
- Python (Programmming Language)
- Django (Framework backend)
- Rest Framework (build Top on Django)
- Postgres (Database)
- Swagger (Documentation APIs Schema)
TDD (test Driven developmenet)
as long as goes along with project we will do Unit Test of our APIs following process of TDD that will help us to produce more Quality work and maintenbel code
this tool we will help to document our APIs workflow
APIs testing is software allow us to test EndPoints interact with Database
for more professional developmenet we will use Docker Compose to Dockerize our Services to make CI/CD deployment easy setup and track
github action:
automation deployment Ci/CD we will implement Scrtip Yaml to deployment the service in AWS
Setup the Envirement
- intialize Envirement in tradional way
we will need to create our Own ENV which only contain desirble packages following
create ENV
virtualenv -name reciep_app python==3.9
active ENV
source reciep_app/bin/actived
creat source app folder django dev
django-admin startproject dev
addtional used software in this project
- Docker
- Postman
- Postgers Admin
Docker Start Config-files Check Branch SetupEnv
Create the image using Docker
Description : in this Branch we create our Own image that containe all the neccessry Package to hold our ENV to work in Django this is simple example how to create Dockerfile
FROM python:3.9-apline13.3 ENV PYTHONNOTWRITEBITYCODE 1 COPY ./requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt COPY ./app /app WORKDIR /app RUN python -venv django-app && \ source /django-app/bin/activate && \ pip install --upgrade pip && \ pip install -r /tmp/requirements pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt && \ ### here we will create an superuser will access to ENV wihout creditioanls adduser \ --diseble-password \ --no-create-home \ django-user \ USER django-user
build and run commands : the command to run the docker and create the image
docker build --tag django_docker_image .
to run the containre
docker run --name=container_django_app -p 8000:8000 django_docker_image
Docker-compose :
decription: we also used docker-compose to create Image and runnthe service as long as the app get complicated we will need to run multi-Services at once . in this stage Docker-compose is good tool use here simple docker-compose file configuration:
version: "3.9" Services: app: container_name: container_django_app build: context: . ports: - "8000:8000" volumes: - ./app:/app command: > sh -c "python runserver"
Git-Hub Action Automated Deployment Check Branch Git-Action
Github Action :
Defenition : somehow when the application has many features to work on and manage and test , the manule setup make the workfolw be pain in ass to deal with , here github action provide us Automated Piplien for CI-CD which stand fro continuies integartion-Contiunes Delivery
- the Basic :
- automated Testing
- automated Dockerize app
- automated checking Branch Pull request at the Event
- automated Deploymenet
configuration YAML file:
name: CI-CD pipline config Django App on: push: branches: ["main"] pull_request: branches: ["main"] jobs: Django-env: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: checkout repo code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: build env dockerize image run: docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python test" - name: check linting formate code run: docker-compose run --rm sh -c "flake8"
Run the workflow github action using Git-CLI
gh run RUN_ID:115478658